Facultatea de Drept din Timișoara
Rainer Kulms (Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law Hamburg)
Seria de cursuri Digital Markets and Private Law (19-22 aprilie 2021)
Facultatea de Drept a Universității de Vest din Timișoara îl are ca profesor invitat pe Rainer Kulms, Senior Research Fellow la Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law din Hamburg (Germania), un colaborator constant și de prestigiu al facultății.
Rainer Kulms va susține o serie de cursuri pe tema Digital Markets and Private Law, în perioada 19-22 aprilie 2021, folosind resursele platformei elearning.e-uvt.ro. La prelegeri sunt invitați să participe masteranzii programelor European Union Law și Dreptul afacerilor, precum și doctoranzii facultății.
O descriere a cursurilor este disponibilă în cele ce urmează:
Digital Markets and Private Law
Digitisation challenges established attitudes towards law. The EU Commission’s Digital Finance Package is as yet the latest regulatory attempt to keep pace with newly evolving markets. The Commission’s proposals for regulatory intervention are based on the tacit assumption that private law systems will accommodate potential shortcomings of regulation. This class will explore how digitisation impacts traditional concepts of formation of contracts, and property law notions of assets, as platform solutions and blockchain technology have come to test the evolutionary potential of private law.
When contracts are digitally formed, offer and acceptance are processed automatically. Electronic signatures and documents play an important role. But once smart contracts and artificial intelligence are employed, the law of contracts will have to change even more dramatically as robots and autonomous systems appear to play an active role. This will impact the structure of contractual duties and tort liability towards third parties. Data are non-physical, even if they stand for digital value stored electronically on a ledger. Practitioners emphasise the need for digital assets which can be traded like any other commodity, creditor-safe in insolvency scenarios. Based on a combination of legal theory and case studies, this class assesses aspects of e-commerce, electronic contracting, payment services and outsourcing strategies, crowdfunding, robo-advice and platform models. The analysis will then address the legal fall-out of blockchain technology and crypto-assets, before the focus is on regulatory sandboxes and potential conflicts with data protection law.
A reader and slides are available to facilitate orientation in this online class.
Prof.univ.dr. Lucian Bercea
Decanul Facultății de Drept a Universității de Vest din Timișoara